Sunday, October 07, 2007

This document assumes you have Linux for the Intel platform up and running, and in some cases the X
Window System as well. X is not required to run these games, but it's a nice way to test a basic installation. If
you are not running X, you may safely skip over any references to it.
Sections of this document that were updated in the last revision have a ** after the section heading. Sections
updated in the revision prior to the last are marked with a ++.
1.1 Feedback,Comments, Corrections
This document certainly does not contain everything there is to know about Linux Quake. With your help,
though, we can bring it closer to that ideal. We want this HOWTO to be as complete and accurate as possible,
so if you notice mistakes or omissions, please bring them to our attention.
Questions, comments, or corrections should be sent to Bob Zimbinski or Mike Hallock . Constructive criticism is welcome. Flames are not.