Monday, October 15, 2007

Shareware Version Install
The single−episode shareware version of Quake is freely available for download from id's ftp site. It has all
the features of the full version, with a couple of major limitations: You can't play QuakeWorld with it, and
you can't play custom or modified levels.
Installing the shareware version of Quake isn't really much different than installing from the CD.
See section Download the Necessary Files for the location of the shareware distribution. Download it and
extract it to your Quake directory:
cd /usr/local/games/quake
unzip −L /wherever/you/put/it/
Now you've got (among others) a file called resource.1 that's really an lha archive (lha is a file
compression and archiving format like zip or tar). We'll use the lha(1) command to extract it. If lha is not
already installed on your system, you can get it from−1.00.tar.Z.
lha e resource.1
When lha is done, your Quake directory will contain a bunch of new files. A directory called id1/ will also
be created. The files in this directory are the only ones that are important for Linux Quake, so you can safely
remove everything else. If you're totally new to Quake, or even if you're not, you may want to hang on to the
*.txt files. On my system, I throw all the readmes that accumulate into a doc/ subdirectory. So:
cd /usr/local/games/quake
mkdir doc
mv *.txt doc
rm −f *
Now you're ready to install the Linux binaries.