Monday, February 25, 2008

Mods & Addons

Quake II modifications like Capture the Flag, Jailbreak, and Lithium II are very popular extensions of the
original Quake II game. Some mods reside entirely on the server (Lithium), and some also require changes to
your client (CTF). For server only mods, you just connect normally and play. Client−side mods require you
to install additional files in your quake2 directory before you can play.
Client Side Mods
Generally, installation of a client−side mod consists of just downloading the client package and upacking it in
your Quake II directory, but you should refer to the mod's documentation for specific details. It may be
necessary to download a Linux−specific package in addition to the main (Windows) client package. Also be
aware that all mods may not be available for Linux.
Linux Quake HOWTO
Other Sources of Server Information 27
Client−side mod packages usually contain a new file and one or more .pak files. Other
new files may be included as well. These new files will be installed in a subdirectory below your Quake II
directory. Use +set game mod−dir on the command line to run the mod. Rocket Arena 2, for example,
gets installed in a directory called arena. To play RA2, your would start your client like so:
./quake2 +set game arena
