Wednesday, October 24, 2007

2.7 GLQuake
Hardware−accelerated OpenGL Quake is Quake the way God intended it to be. There is no substitute, and
once you've experienced it there's no going back.
To run glquake, you need a 3D card with the Voodoo, Voodoo2 or Voodoo Rush graphics chipset on it.
There are specific issues to be dealt with if you have a Voodoo Rush card, and I won't go into them now
because frankly, I wouldn't know what I was talking about. A future version of this HOWTO will cover Rush
issues (If somebody wants to write about Voodoo Rush issues, I'll gladly include it here).
The SVGAlib, Glide, and Mesa libraries must all be installed and configured properly on your system for
glquake to work. The following sections will very briefly cover what you need to do to get them going.
Bernd Kreimeier's ( Linux 3Dfx HOWTO (−HOWTO.html) is good source for further information.
The 3dfx.glide.linux newsgroup on the 3dfx news server ( is another good source of
information about the intersection of Linux, glide, Mesa and Quake.