Saturday, November 03, 2007

Installing the RPM packages

Installation of the rpm packages should be as simple as:
su root
rpm −Uvh qwcl−xxxxx.i386.rpm
qwcl, glqwcl and glqwcl.glx will be installed setuid root so that they can access the graphics devices
on your system. The X and GL clients can be run without root privileges if you follow the instructions in
Running X and GL games without setuid below.
Rpm may complain that it can't find The Glide library is only necessary if you have a
3Dfx card and want to run QuakeWorld in GL mode (glqwcl). If you don't plan to use the GL mode, you
can override the glide dependency with the −−nodeps option:
su root
rpm −Uvh qwcl−xxxxx.i386.rpm −−nodeps
Installing the tar.gz packages
To install, just untar the file in your Quake directory. Do it as root so the proper file permissions get set:
cd /usr/local/games/quake
su root
tar −xzf qwcl2.21−i386−unknown−linux2.0.tar.gz
qwcl, glqwcl and glqwcl.glx will be installed setuid root so that they can access the graphics devices
on your system. The GL and X clients can be run without root privileges if you follow the instructions in
Running X and GL games without setuid below.
