cp −r /mnt/cdrom/Data/max/xatrix/video xatrix
Play The Reckoning like this:
cd /usr/local/games/quake2
./quake2 +set game xatrix
Mission Pack 2: Ground Zero It requires Quake II version 3.17 or later to run. You'll need at least
120 MB for a minimum installation. Another 115 MB are required if you want to install the video
sequences as well. Assuming your CD is mounted on /mnt/cdrom and Quake II is installed in
cd /usr/local/games/quake2
cp −r /mnt/cdrom/Data/all/* rogue/
rm −f rogue/gamex86.dll
If you want to install the video sequences:
cp −r /mnt/cdrom/Data/max/rogue/video rogue
Play Ground Zero like this:
cd /usr/local/games/quake2
./quake2 +set game rogue
4. Related Software
Linux Quake HOWTO
Mission Packs 29
4.1 QStat
Qstat is a command line based program that returns the status of internet Quake, QuakeWorld, and Quake 2
servers created by Steve Jankowski mailto:steve@activesw.com.
Here's the feature summary from the QStat homepage:
Supports Windows 95, NT, and most Unixes •
Comes with C source code and a binary for Windows •
Supports old Quake (NetQuake), QuakeWorld, Hexen II, and Quake II servers •
Can display all available statistics, including player info and server rules •
Output templates for automatic HTML generation •
Raw display mode for integration with HTML page generators •
Built−in host name cache •
Sort by ping time, game, or both •
More options than you can wiggle a mouse at •
Qstat is a must−have tool if you're planning on doing any net play. A number of front−ends for qstat have
been written as well. Some of them are listed later in this section.
You can get the latest version of qstat from the QStat Homepage (
4.2 XQF
XQF is a graphical front−end to QStat that uses the GTK toolkit. This is the best QuakeWorld/Quake2 server
browser that currently exists, and Roman Pozlevich ( roma@botik.ru), is still cranking out revisions at the
rate of about one per month.
If you're familiar with GameSpy for the Windows platform, this is the closest thing to it for Linux.
The XQF homepage is at http://www.linuxgames.com/xqf.
4.3 QuickSpy
QuickSpy is a text−based QuakeWorld server browser. It's another front−end to QStat and it works pretty
well. If you don't run X and you don't have Quake II, this is a decent option. Beware though, it's no longer
under development.
Play The Reckoning like this:
cd /usr/local/games/quake2
./quake2 +set game xatrix
Mission Pack 2: Ground Zero It requires Quake II version 3.17 or later to run. You'll need at least
120 MB for a minimum installation. Another 115 MB are required if you want to install the video
sequences as well. Assuming your CD is mounted on /mnt/cdrom and Quake II is installed in
cd /usr/local/games/quake2
cp −r /mnt/cdrom/Data/all/* rogue/
rm −f rogue/gamex86.dll
If you want to install the video sequences:
cp −r /mnt/cdrom/Data/max/rogue/video rogue
Play Ground Zero like this:
cd /usr/local/games/quake2
./quake2 +set game rogue
4. Related Software
Linux Quake HOWTO
Mission Packs 29
4.1 QStat
Qstat is a command line based program that returns the status of internet Quake, QuakeWorld, and Quake 2
servers created by Steve Jankowski mailto:steve@activesw.com.
Here's the feature summary from the QStat homepage:
Supports Windows 95, NT, and most Unixes •
Comes with C source code and a binary for Windows •
Supports old Quake (NetQuake), QuakeWorld, Hexen II, and Quake II servers •
Can display all available statistics, including player info and server rules •
Output templates for automatic HTML generation •
Raw display mode for integration with HTML page generators •
Built−in host name cache •
Sort by ping time, game, or both •
More options than you can wiggle a mouse at •
Qstat is a must−have tool if you're planning on doing any net play. A number of front−ends for qstat have
been written as well. Some of them are listed later in this section.
You can get the latest version of qstat from the QStat Homepage (
4.2 XQF
XQF is a graphical front−end to QStat that uses the GTK toolkit. This is the best QuakeWorld/Quake2 server
browser that currently exists, and Roman Pozlevich ( roma@botik.ru), is still cranking out revisions at the
rate of about one per month.
If you're familiar with GameSpy for the Windows platform, this is the closest thing to it for Linux.
The XQF homepage is at http://www.linuxgames.com/xqf.
4.3 QuickSpy
QuickSpy is a text−based QuakeWorld server browser. It's another front−end to QStat and it works pretty
well. If you don't run X and you don't have Quake II, this is a decent option. Beware though, it's no longer
under development.
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