Saturday, November 24, 2007

Quake Tools

Anybody care to contribute some info about qcc, bsp and all that?
3. Quake II
To install Quake II on your Linux system, you'll need some flavor of the official Quake II distribution from
id. This will be either the retail Windows CD−ROM that you bought at your favorite software store, or the
demo version you downloaded from the net. See Download the Necessary Files for details on acquiring the
demo version. Alternatively, if you've already got Quake installed on a Windows machine, you can use the
relevant files from that installation.
3.1 Prerequisites
You will need, as a bare minimum, the following:
A Pentium 90 or better (133 recommended) computer •
16 MB RAM (24 recommended) •
The Quake 2 CD−ROM or the demo version (q2−314−demo−x86.exe) •
Linux kernel version 2.0.24 or later •
libc 5.2.18 or later •
One of the following:
X11 server that supports the MITSM shared memory extension. 8 and 16 bit displays are
supported. (for X renderer)
SVGAlib 1.2.10 or later (for SVGA and GL renderer) •
25−400 megabytes free disk space (depending on how you install) •
Access to the root account of the machine you're installing on •
A supported soundcard •
A 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics or Voodoo2 or Voodoo Rush 3D graphics accelerator card. •
Linux Quake HOWTO
Quake Tools 17
3Dfx glide libraries installed (for GL renderer) •
Mesa 2.6 or later (for GL renderer) •
