Wednesday, March 19, 2008


QuakeLaunch ++
QuakeLaunch is a nice, simple Quake server browser that you can run in the console. It's based on qstat by
Steve Jankowski. If you can't or don't want to use an X−based server browser like XQF, this is a good
alternative. The QuakeLaunch homepage is at
4.17 QPLog ++
The Quake Player Log is a master/client Perl program that keeps track of player statistics. The object of this
program is similar to what the original QuakeWorld attempted. Server logs are sent to the central QPLog
master, which keeps track of player statistics and ranks players according to a number of factors.
5. Troubleshooting/FAQs
5.1 General
OS difference considerations
Case sensitivity − In DOS and Windows, case is not important. BASE1.TXT is the same as
base1.txt is the same as Base1.Txt. Under Linux and other unices, case IS significant.
MOTD.TXT and motd.txt are different files. This can cause problems with player models and skin
files if they're installed with upper− or mixed−case filenames.
players/male/santa.PCX needs to be renamed to santa.pcx in order for the Santa skin to
be visible in Linux. The script included with quakeworld will convert all filenames
in a directory to lowercase. It's reproduced below for your convenience:
for x in *; do
y=`echo $x | tr '[A−Z]' '[a−z]'`
if [ $x != $y ]; then
mv $x $y
Path delimiters − DOS and Windows use the backslash "\" character to separate file pathname
elements. In Unix, the backslash is an escape character. Quake and Quake2 for Windows recognize
both "\" and "/" as valid path delimiters, so if you use file pathnames in your config files (or your
mod code, or anywhere else, for that matter), be sure you're using "/" and not "\".
End of line characters − Under DOS/Windows, each line of a text file ends with a carriage return
character (CR) and a linefeed character (LF). Unix textfiles just have a linefeed at the end of each
line. Using DOS/Win formatted textfiles in Unix can cause all kinds of mysterious Quake problems.
For example, the incorrectly formatted quake2.conf file from the Quake2 3.17 package generated
the error "LoadLibrary("") failed: No such file or directory".
Linux Quake HOWTO
4.16 QuakeLaunch ++ 33
LMCTF−TE reports a floating point exception. If you've got an problem you can't explain, try
removing the CRs from your text files:
mv file.txt file.bak; tr −d '\r' < file.bak > file.txt
Glibc, RedHat 5.x, Debian 2 considerations (for Quake 1 only)++
[The following applies to the Quake I binaries (squake, glquake, and quake.x11) only. As of versions
2.30 and 3.19 respectively, QuakeWorld and Quake II are available in both libc5 and glibc versions.]
