Monday, June 23, 2008

The Poor Man's Server Browser

Joe S. ( suggests:
a trick I do with qstat:
I make a file of my favorite servers, then do
qstat −f /C/quake2/file.txt | less
hit control z to suspend, then copy the ip address or hostname I want with gpm to a command line like:
./quake2 +connect
Linux Quake HOWTO
6.3 3Dfx "tweak" settings work in Linux too 43
Then I can use fg to go back to the list later...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

3Dfx "tweak" settings work in Linux too
You may have seen or heard mention of ways to "tweak" Quake's OpenGL performance by setting various
environment variables. These variables are equally valid under Linux. You just set them slightly differently.
If a Windows/DOS "tweak" guide tells you to:
Under Linux, do it like this:
export SST_GRXCLK=59

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Running SVGA and GL games from X

The GLX Quakeworld and Quake II clients are native X applications, but since they use Mesa rather than the
3Dfx mini−driver, they're slower than the versions. For this reason, you may still favor this
way of starting games from X over using the GLX clients.
This is based on a Linux Gazette 2 Cent Tip by Joey Hess ( The original is at
Yes, it's possible to run the Quake games from X if you're root, but such behavior is naughty, and you still
run the risk of having Quake crash and leave the console unresponsive. With a little work you can make it
possible for a regular user to run SVGA and GL Quake from X AND automatically switch back to X when
the program is finished, regardless of whether it exited normally or not.
Note: when I say "Quake" in the text below, I really mean "quake, glquake squake, qwcl, glqwcl, qwcl.x11 or
First, you'll need the open(1) package by Jon Tombs. This is a set of two very small programs that
allow you to switch between virtual consoles and start programs on them. Download open from You shouldn't have to do much more than
make;make install to compile and install it. Once it's installed, you need to make the
open and switchto executables setuid root. So do this:
cd /usr/local/bin
chown root open switchto
chmod 4755 open switchto
Linux Quake HOWTO
6.1 Running X and GL games without setuid 41
Next, save the following code to a file called getvc.c: •
/* getvc.c
* Prints the number of the current VC to stdout. Most of this code
* was ripped from the open program, and this code is GPL'd
* Joey Hess, Fri Apr 4 14:58:50 EST 1997
main () {
int fd = 0;
struct vt_stat vt;
if ((fd = open("/dev/console",O_WRONLY,0)) < 0) {
perror("Failed to open /dev/console\n");
if (ioctl(fd, VT_GETSTATE, &vt) < 0) {
perror("can't get VTstate\n");
/* End of getvc.c */
Compile it and install it somewhere in your $PATH:
gcc getvc.c −o getvc
strip getvc
mv getvc /usr/local/bin
Now create a script called runvc: your $PATH: •
# Run something on a VC, from X, and switch back to X when done.
# GPL Joey Hess, Thu, 10 Jul 1997 23:27:08 −0400
exec open −s −− sh −c "$* ; chvt `getvc`"
Make it executable and put it somewhere in your $PATH:
chmod 755 runvc
mv runvc /usr/local/bin
Now you can use the runvc command to start Quake. Continue to use whatever command line you
usually use to start your game, but put runvc at the beginning:
Linux Quake HOWTO
6.1 Running X and GL games without setuid 42
runvc ./quake2 +set vid_ref gl +connect
You'll automatically switch to a VC, run Quake and then switch back to X when it's done!
Update: Joey Hess wrote in to say:
I'd like to point out that some people may find that this doesn't work. If your
/dev/ttyxx devices do not let you write to them by default (a good idea), then the
open command won't be able to switch to them. In that case, you need to chown the
next tty that is free after you start up X. I do this in xdm's Xtartup_0 script, as
# Set up tty8 as a console that is writable by the current user, so
# open −s commands can be used to run stuff there.
# Tty8 is used becuase it's the next free tty after 7 where X runs,
# and so open tries to use it.
chmod 640 /dev/tty8
chown $USER.root /dev/tty8
# This does open up a tiny security hole:
# user_a logs in with xdm, then logs out.
# user_b logs in at console.
# user_a can now redirect user_b to tty9 via the open command,
# and plop them down into some program that, perhaps, tries to
# persuade them to enter their password.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Running X and GL games without setuid
If you only run the X and GL versions of Quake, QuakeWorld or Quake II, you don't need to run them with
root permissions. SVGA is the only mode that must be run as root. The X versions just need access to
/dev/dsp, the sound device. The GL versions need access to the 3Dfx card as well as to /dev/dsp.
/dev/dsp needs to be readable and writeable by Quake. Most distributions give it 662 (rw−rw−−w−)
permissions by default. The simplest solution is to just chmod 666 /dev/dsp. On most systems, the
ability to read from the sound device will not pose a significant security threat. If this approach is
unacceptable for your system, create a group that owns /dev/dsp and make your Quake players members
of that group.
You need the /dev/3dfx driver from Daryll Strauss' glide page ( in order run glide applications (like GLQuake) non−root.
Download the package and install according to the instructions on the web page.
After you've installed the driver, make sure /dev/3dfx has 666 permissions (chmod 666 /dev/3dfx).
When /dev/dsp and /dev/3dfx are properly set up, you can remove the setuid bit from your
Quake/QW/Q2 executables. Just do (as root) chmod 0755 XXXXX, where XXXXX is either glquake,
quake.x11, or quake2.
If you've been playing as root prior to making these changes, many of your Quake files (like savegames) may
be owned by root and inaccessible to a normal user, so remember to change the files' ownership before you
attempt to play the game non−root.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

When I try connect to a Quake II server that's running a mod, quake2
crashes with the message "Error: VID: Could not open display". **
According to Zoid, this problem occurs when the video system restarts due to a gamedir change. Several
libraries get unloaded and reloaded during the restart, and this apparently causes quake2 to blow chunks on
many systems.
The workaround solution is to set the game CVAR on the command line before you start up quake2. So if
you're going to connect to a CTF server, you'd start quake2 like:
./quake2 +set game ctf ...
This may seem inconvenient if you're used to connecting to new servers without leaving the quake2 program,
but unfortunately it's the only way around this problem right now. A frontend program like XQF will
automatically do this command line stuff for you, so you ought to consider using one if you're not currently
doing so.
6. Tips & Tricks
Linux Quake HOWTO
Why can't I change to some of the SVGA modes that are in the Quake II Video menu? 40