Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Distribution Policy
Copyright (c) 1998, Bob Zimbinski, Brett A. Thomas and Mike Hallock. This document may be distributed
under the terms set forth in the LDP license at
Linux Quake HOWTO
6.5 Using for Quake I 44
This HOWTO is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the LDP
license. This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even
the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Heck, even if this document kills
your dog, it's not our fault.
See the LDP license for more details.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

6.5 Using for Quake I
You can use the 3Dfx mini−driver ( from Quakeworld or Quake II with glquake too.
Simply copy the glqwcl.3dfxgl or quake2.3dfxgl scripts to a new file, say glquake.3dfxgl.
Then edit the glquake.3dfxgl script so it runs glquake instead of glqwcl. The same restrictions
about running as root apply here, as do the differences between running under glibc and libc5. See the
Quakeworld or Quake II sections for more information on
6.6 Getting rid of that annoying "POSSIBLE SCAN CODE
ERROR 57" message in GLQuake. ++
If you're sick of seeing that useless message every time you press the space bar in GLQuake, execute the
following command from your quake directory and you'll never have to deal with it again. This little piece of
Perl code just replaces the first character of the message with a null character, which signifies the end of a
string in C programs. Now when GLQuake thinks it needs to tell us about a possible scan code error, it
outputs an empty string instead! Oh, and your original glquake binary gets automatically backed up to
glquake.bak too.
perl −i.bak −0777pe 's/P(ossible unknown scancode)/\0$1/g' glquake
Thanks to Andrew Chase ( for this.
7. Administrivia
7.1 New Versions of This Document
New versions of this document will be periodically posted to comp.os.linux.answers and They will also be uploaded to various WWW and FTP sites, including the
LDP home page.
New versions of this document will be periodically posted to and
The latest version of the Linux Quake HOWTO can always be found at the following sites: • • •