Linux−Specific Command Line Options
This section will cover command line options that are specific to the Linux version of Quake II. There are
plenty of other Quake II options, but they're beyond the scope of this HOWTO. Check out some of the sites
listed in section General Quake Information for this kind of information.
These are actually cvars (client variables) that you can set in the Q2 console, but it makes the most sense to
set them on the command line. Set them with +set on the command line, like:
Linux Quake HOWTO
Choosing a GL driver ** 25
./quake2 +set cd_dev /dev/hdc
cd_dev device
Name of the CD−ROM device.
nocdaudio value
Disable CD audio if value is nonzero
sndbits num
Set sound bit sample size. Default is 16.
sndspeed num
Set sound sample speed. Usual values are 8000, 11025, 22051 and 44100. If set to zero, causes the
sound driver to attempt speeds in the following order: 11025, 22051, 44100, 8000.
sndchannels num
Indicates stereo or mono sound. Defaults to 2 (stereo). Use 1 for mono.
nostdout value
Don't do any output to stdout. Use this if you don't want all the console output dumped to your
plenty of other Quake II options, but they're beyond the scope of this HOWTO. Check out some of the sites
listed in section General Quake Information for this kind of information.
These are actually cvars (client variables) that you can set in the Q2 console, but it makes the most sense to
set them on the command line. Set them with +set on the command line, like:
Linux Quake HOWTO
Choosing a GL driver ** 25
./quake2 +set cd_dev /dev/hdc
cd_dev device
Name of the CD−ROM device.
nocdaudio value
Disable CD audio if value is nonzero
sndbits num
Set sound bit sample size. Default is 16.
sndspeed num
Set sound sample speed. Usual values are 8000, 11025, 22051 and 44100. If set to zero, causes the
sound driver to attempt speeds in the following order: 11025, 22051, 44100, 8000.
sndchannels num
Indicates stereo or mono sound. Defaults to 2 (stereo). Use 1 for mono.
nostdout value
Don't do any output to stdout. Use this if you don't want all the console output dumped to your